You are only dust, but yet you are also the creator of worlds
One of the most challenging things on my path of spiritual awakening is figuring out how to reconcile my awareness of who I really am, an eternal source of energy from a place of pure acceptance and love, with the reality of my human-ness and its associated capacity...
My NDE (Near Death Experience)
Just before I was offered the chance to die, I really had to pee. I was 5 months into my chemo treatment and I was a wreck, both physically and emotionally. At this point, I was unable to get myself out of bed, I was nauseated all the time, and I couldn’t keep food...
What’s the most spiritual emotion? It’s not what you think!
When I first started the study of energy healing, I took a course on the Chinese 5-element theory. The 5 elements represent a cyclic, spiral growth cycle that you can see everywhere around you, from the cells in your body to the creation of new galaxies. Each of the...
How to Make Better Use of Your Time
One of my favorite novels is Kazuo Ishiguro’s Never Let me Go. It’s a sci-fi thriller about the moral implications of human cloning and a few years after it was published, they made a film adaptation. I went to see a screening and afterwards, there was a Q&A with...
What I do when worry takes over
I’ve spent a lot of time worrying the past few days. My worrying always tends to be about the same, familiar topics and it feels involuntary — I’ll be fine one minute and then suddenly I’ll start with a familiar spiral of worrying thoughts. Like a well-worn path in...
Mother Teresa was an A$$hole
Recently, I’ve noticed a theme coming up in my conversations with friends and clients — we’re all sick of being nice. By being nice, I mean doing the emotional labor to make sure our message is coming through in a pleasant way, while also scanning our conversation...
Compassion is the first step
“Before we can be with one another we have to learn to grieve with one another” - Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi I’ve been thinking a lot about this quote by Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi. At the time, he was speaking about the conflict between the Israelis and the...
How to turn hate and fear into love
One of the most difficult things I’ve done is learn how to love the person who abused me. When I was 26 years old, I made the incredibly difficult decision to cut my mother out of my life. In child abuse survivor circles, this is often called going “no contact” or NC...
You are the boat
I’m sitting in my red kayak, paddle across my lap, staring at the class 3 rapids just ahead of me. I’d pulled over to a calm spot on the river to mentally map my path through the rapid. Three days before this was the first time I’d ever been in a kayak in my life. Six months before this, at 32-years-old, I’d been diagnosed with stage III colon cancer…
You are a spiritual being having a human experience
Years ago, when I first heard the phrase, “You are a spiritual being having a human experience,” it felt comforting and like I was being given a pass from having to feel the burden of being human all the time. Oh yes, that’s right! This is just an experience,...
Questions for Saul: “What Do I Do When I Feel Stuck?”
In this morning’s workshop, someone asked Saul a wonderful question about what to do when we feel stuck. I have often asked myself this same question, and I’ve heard it from so many people as they try to make their way forward in life, so I thought it would be helpful to share Saul’s wisdom here…
Why it’s so hard to rest and relax
I stopped for a moment and reflected on her question. I answered honestly, and felt myself holding back tears as I responded: “I don’t think I know how to be proud of myself.”…
Two Questions That Changed My Life: “Do I have C-PTSD?” and “How do I heal it?”
A few years ago, I was listening to a podcast, and someone mentioned they had C-PTSD. I’d never heard of this before (PTSD, yes. But C-PTSD? Nope.) I looked it up, and when I saw the definition and symptoms, I immediately realized, “Oh FFS — that’s me. I have this.” …
What I’ve learned about growth mindset from binging British reality TV competitions
Lately, I’ve been working on unhooking from praise and criticism in how I evaluate myself and my work. I’ve been examining my own unhealthy relationship to praise and how I’ve chased “gold star stickers” as validation for most of my life. This started in elementary...
What’s my secret to health and success?
What's the one key element that's the basis for healing, happiness and success?…
How can self-compassion speed up healing?
Did you know that working on developing your self compassion can actually change your physiology and speed up healing. Find out how in the video below!