From Worry to Well-being: Unpacking the Digestive Connection
In various healing traditions, it's believed that different parts of our body correspond to diverse emotional states. From the harmonious balance of the Yin and Yang in Chinese medicine to the holistic equilibrium of the three Doshas in Ayurvedic tradition, these...
If you have a chronic or autoimmune illness, I’ll bet I can guess these 3 things about you
After spending two decades in the field of health and healing, I have noticed an intriguing pattern: people with chronic or autoimmune illnesses frequently share three common characteristics. Far from being weaknesses, these characteristics are also inherent strengths...
Healing from Within: The Role of Meditation in Managing Chronic Illness
Living with a chronic illness can be a daily challenge. But what if there were a way to ease some of this burden from within ourselves? Well, buckle up, because we're about to dive into the world of meditation and how it can help you manage your chronic illness by...
Why you haven’t healed from your chronic illness
In the past 75 years, our world has witnessed an unprecedented rise in chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases. Visionaries like Gabor Mate and Peter Levine have proposed that these ailments may be rooted in the accumulation of trauma and stress within our bodies...
The real reason behind your migraines
Migraines wreak havoc in people’s lives and are much more than a headache. Migraines cause pain (headache, or stomach ache in the case of abdominal migraines) and can also include symptoms like light and temperature sensitivity, dizziness, distorted vision or...
Have Digestive Issues? Here’s What it Means
I see a lot of clients that have digestive issues and so I want to address what I’ve seen as the common emotional correlations for issues with the stomach, small intestine and large intestine. What does it mean when you’re having issues with your digestive system? ...
Is your people pleasing a part of your chronic illness?
I’ve noticed a pattern over the years in many of my clients with chronic illness, especially those with autoimmune diseases like MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and IBS. Most of these clients have strong “appease” or people pleasing nervous system responses in times of...
What your doctor doesn’t know about your autoimmune illness
If you have an autoimmune illness, there’s an important emotional connection you need to know about. In my years of work as a medical intuitive healer, I’ve seen hundreds of cases of autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, leaky gut, endometriosis, Hashimoto’s...
5 ways you can influence your own healing (even if you’re already working with a healer)
Mindful awareness and communication Your body has a ton of intuitive information to share with you, all you have to do is listen. But how do you do that? A big piece of that puzzle is learning how to bring your attention mindfully to that spot and seeing what arises…
My NDE (Near Death Experience)
Just before I was offered the chance to die, I really had to pee. I was 5 months into my chemo treatment and I was a wreck, both physically and emotionally. At this point, I was unable to get myself out of bed, I was nauseated all the time, and I couldn’t keep food...
You are the boat
I’m sitting in my red kayak, paddle across my lap, staring at the class 3 rapids just ahead of me. I’d pulled over to a calm spot on the river to mentally map my path through the rapid. Three days before this was the first time I’d ever been in a kayak in my life. Six months before this, at 32-years-old, I’d been diagnosed with stage III colon cancer…
“You’re sick because you want people to see you as a person, not an object.”
I heard this sentence so clearly as I woke up in the middle of the night a few nights ago. I’d been reading Ram Dass’ Be Here Now just before I fell asleep and I’d had vibrant, psychedelic dreams about the nature of consciousness. (I guess that’s what I get for reading Be Here Now right before bed.) I don’t remember the dreams per se, but about an hour later I woke from a very vivid dream to those words...
How a Belly Rub Led to My Psychic Discovery
But, when I was about 25 years old, I was lying in bed one night, absent-mindedly running my hands over my belly. This was something I automatically did to self-soothe and relax. When my hand moved over this spot on my left side, all of the voices in my head that tick through my to-do list or rehash that last conversation I had—all of that suddenly went …silent….
Two Questions That Changed My Life: “Do I have C-PTSD?” and “How do I heal it?”
A few years ago, I was listening to a podcast, and someone mentioned they had C-PTSD. I’d never heard of this before (PTSD, yes. But C-PTSD? Nope.) I looked it up, and when I saw the definition and symptoms, I immediately realized, “Oh FFS — that’s me. I have this.” …
COVID-19 Vaccine Prep Sessions Now Available
Now offering (due to popular demand!): COVID-19 vaccine prep sessions I've been doing vaccine prep sessions informally with current clients, but I'm getting referrals from friends of clients who have heard about the great results my clients are having and want a...
What’s my secret to health and success?
What's the one key element that's the basis for healing, happiness and success?…
How can self-compassion speed up healing?
Did you know that working on developing your self compassion can actually change your physiology and speed up healing. Find out how in the video below!
Belief systems and their effect on health
How do our emotions and belief systems affect our health? Learn how emotions can affect your physiology and cause illness…
Punctuated Equlibrium
What is punctuated equilibrium and how does it affect our healing process? Watch to see how our bodies follow this law of nature and how it can affect your healing.
Can you ace the ACE test? Why a high score might be bad news.
When I was 32 years old, I found out about ACE at one of my lowest moments. I had been referred to the social worker at the UCSF Cancer Center to help me find charity options to help pay for my cancer treatment. We talked a bit about my current work and financial...