Make new year's resolutions without shame or guilt
It’s that time of year again, when we all decide that we need new year's resolutions to overhaul our lives, our exercise plans, or our eating habits. I always had a love/hate relationship with new year's resolutions until I realized why they rub me the wrong way. New...
Yes, But What Does Your Brain “Down There” Have to Say About it?
Welcome back to my series on your intuitive brains. We’ve looked at how to get intuitive info from your heart brain and your gut brain, and now it’s time to get primal. We’re gonna look at your pelvic brain. As a quick recap, you have “brains” (aka dense neural...
Here’s how to tune into your gut intuition
I’m starting a revolution and I want you to join me. For too many years, the art and science of intuition has been maligned as nonsensical, silly, invalid or even dangerous and evil. I want to change all that, and I want to help women learn how to use this invaluable...
Before you make any decisions, make sure you have all FOUR of your brains on board
I want to talk about your brains. Yes, brains plural. All four of them. Most of us know about one of them, maybe two, but in fact you have FOUR separate brains. Let me explain what I mean by a brain. There are different areas in our bodies that have dense,...